225 research outputs found

    Improving the Delivery of Key Work Supports: Policy & Practice Opportunities at a Critical Moment

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    Examines the consequences of a lack of coordination and seamless service delivery across support programs. Outlines policy, procedural, and data utilization options and best practices to expedite receipt of benefits across programs, as well as challenges

    Country statistical capacity: a recent assessment tool and further reflections on the way forward

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    A country's statistical capacity takes an indispensable part in its development. We offer a comprehensive comparison between the World Bank's Statistical Performance Indicators and Index (SPI) and its predecessor, the Statistical Capacity Index (SCI) regarding different conceptual and empirical aspects. We further examine the relationships of the two indexes with some agriculture development indicators such as food security, food sustainability and productivity as well as other key indicators including headcount poverty, GDP per capita, and an SDG progress index. Our analysis employs the latest SPI data update in 2022, which were not available in previous studies. We also propose clear guidelines on how the SPI can be maintained and updated in the future to ensure that this process is transparent, replicable, safeguarded with high quality, and provides comparable data over time

    The Effect of Anchor Tenant Loss on Shopping Center Rents

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    This paper examines the effect that the loss of a shopping center anchor tenant has on the rental rates of the remaining tenants. Using data from smaller and moderately sized centers located in Florida and Georgia, two alternative regression procedures are employed and the results compared. Both estimates suggest similar and substantial effects to the rental rates. The rental rates of non-anchor tenants are estimated to decline approximately 25% in response to the loss of an anchor tenant.

    Session 1: Access to Legal Services - The Role of Innovation and Technology

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    This expert panel is addressing access to justice problems. People without access to lawyers and legal services suffer in many ways not limited to divorce, domestic violence, and educational roadblocks. This panel will ask what lawyers can do to help, in what ways can technology help or replace lawyers in the delivery of legal and non-legal services. It will also explore different legal services being offered by individuals who do not have a JD, online firms, and developing technology in a law firm owed subsidiary. There are six panelists who are broken into two categories: (1) the innovation and delivery of legal services; and (2) technology innovation and justice

    Self-harm and suicidal ideation among young people is more often recorded by child protection than health services in an Australian population cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: We investigated patterns of service contact for self-harm and suicidal ideation recorded by a range of human service agencies - including health, police and child protection - with specific focus on overlap and sequences of contacts, age of first contact and demographic and intergenerational characteristics associated with different service responses to self-harm.METHODS: Participants were 91,597 adolescents for whom multi-agency linked data were available in a longitudinal study of a population cohort in New South Wales, Australia. Self-harm and suicide-related incidents from birth to 18 years of age were derived from emergency department, inpatient hospital admission, mental health ambulatory, child protection and police administrative records. Descriptive statistics and binomial logistic regression were used to examine patterns of service contacts.RESULTS: Child protection services recorded the largest proportion of youth with reported self-harm and suicidal ideation, in which the age of first contact for self-harm was younger relative to other incidents of self-harm recorded by other agencies. Nearly 40% of youth with a health service contact for self-harm also had contact with child protection and/or police services for self-harm. Girls were more likely to access health services for self-harm than boys, but not child protection or police services.CONCLUSION: Suicide prevention is not solely the responsibility of health services; police and child protection services also respond to a significant proportion of self-harm and suicide-related incidents. High rates of overlap among different services responding to self-harm suggest the need for cross-agency strategies to prevent suicide in young people.</p

    Prolonged energy harvesting for ingestible devices

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    Ingestible electronics have revolutionized the standard of care for a variety of health conditions. Extending the capacity and safety of these devices, and reducing the costs of powering them, could enable broad deployment of prolonged-monitoring systems for patients. Although previous biocompatible power-harvesting systems for in vivo use have demonstrated short (minute-long) bursts of power from the stomach, little is known about the potential for powering electronics in the longer term and throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Here, we report the design and operation of an energy-harvesting galvanic cell for continuous in vivo temperature sensing and wireless communication. The device delivered an average power of 0.23 μW mm⁻² of electrode area for an average of 6.1 days of temperature measurements in the gastrointestinal tract of pigs. This power-harvesting cell could provide power to the next generation of ingestible electronic devices for prolonged periods of time inside the gastrointestinal tract.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB-000244

    New Perspectives on Transforming States' Health and Human Services: Practical Commentaries on the First Year of the Work Support Strategies Initiative

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    Millions of low-income working families in America today are struggling to make ends meet. While working hard, often in low-wage jobs, many of these families are living close to the edge of hardship and have little or no resources to fall back on in case of emergencies. Public benefit programs can make a huge difference in the well-being of these working families, providing help with food, child care, and health insurance expenses. These programs help families address immediate needs and weather short-term crises, such as repairing a car needed to get to work or dealing with an unexpected health problem. They can make it possible for families to hold onto their jobs in these emergencies, stabilizing employment and keeping families from falling further into poverty. Yet many families that are eligible for public benefit programs do not participate. Although the recession and its aftermath led to unprecedented increases in receipt of nutrition assistance through the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the latest data (from 2010) show that only 65 percent of the eligible working poor are participating. Similarly, of all children eligible for public health insurance coverage through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program, only 86 percent are participating. The participation rate for public health insurance for parents is only 66 percent. And, these participation rates vary widely across states.The Work Support Strategies, or WSS, Initiative is motivated by the value public benefit programs can provide to working families and the belief that the states and localities administering these programs can improve how eligible families access and retain these benefits. In the first year of the demonstration, nine states took on the challenge of streamlining, integrating, and improving the provision of work support benefits through their SNAP, Medicaid, and child care programs (and, in some states, additional programs such as heating assistance and cash welfare). While most states hope their efforts will also reduce burden on caseworkers and administrative costs in these systems, all are motivated to improve the lives of the families they serve

    A rotation test for behavioural point-process data

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Animal Behaviour 76 (2008): 1429-1434, doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.06.016.A common problem in animal behavior is determining whether the rate at which a certain behavioural event occurs is affected by an environmental or other factor. In the example considered later in this paper, the event is a vocalization by an individual sperm whale and the factor is the operation or non-operation of an underwater sound source. A typical experiment to test for such effects involves observing animals during control and treatment periods and recording the times of the events that occur in each. In statistical terminology, the data arising from such an experiment – the times at which events of a specified type occur – represent a point process (Cox & Lewis 1978). Events in a point process are treated as having no duration. Although this is not strictly correct for behavioural events, the approximation is reasonable when the duration of events is small in relation to the interval between them.Funding for the sperm whale experiments was provided by the Office of Naval Research, the U.S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Cooperative Agreements Nos. 1435-01-02-CA-321 85186 and NA87RJ0445, and the Industry Research Funding Coalition

    Local and Regional North Carolina Collaborations: Case Studies from the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association

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    Carolina Planning regularly publishes a feature highlighting projects from members of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA-NC). This year’s submissions range from multi-county visioning efforts to small-town transportation planning, demonstrating that planning at any scale can benefit from innovative collaboration. Includes the following case studies: Innovative Partnerships (Introduction); Opt-In Project Explores Uncharted Planning Territory in Southwestern NC; Transportation Planning in a Growing Community; Playing Around with Civic Engagement Strategies in the Triad; Simple Changes and Collaboration: NCDOT and the Town of West Jefferson Partner to Revitalize Downtow

    Expanding the Universal Medication Schedule: a patient-centred approach

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    Improved drug labelling for chronic pill-form medications has been shown to promote patient comprehension, adherence and safety. We extended health literacy principles and included patients' perspectives to improve instructions for: (1) non-pill form, (2) short term, (3) ‘as needed,’ (4) tapered and (5) escalating dose medications